
Our Certifications

International Homologation

Cylinder valve designs are tested to relevant ISO standard by an ISO 17025 accredited test laboratory, resulting in Type approval certificate issued by the European/UK notified body.


The combination of type approval and periodic audits form the basis of the Authorization Certificate, which lists all the type approval certificates covered under the scope of TPED / TPE directives. Our In-house Inspection agency, authorized by the Notified body, is responsible for the surveillance of manufacture and initial inspection and test for all valves.

International Homologation
Product Series Type approval certificate no.
PBN-12 TAC-1266-361-2201
SWN 12 + BOWN 12 + TWN 12 TAC-1266-361-2301
Product Series Type approval certificate no.
BMV-09 BAM-TPED-2016/005
BSWN-12/D-30 + BAWN-12/D-30 + BSKN-12/D + BAKN-12/D BAM-TPED-2019-008
KHO-10/D + KVO-10/D BAM-TPED-2016/013
PBN-12 BAM-TPED-2016/018
RWH-03 BAM-TPED-2015/006
SKN-12/C BAM-TPED-2016/011
SSWN-22/V + SSWN-22/V-S3 BAM-TPED-2018-003
SSWN-32/V BAM-TPED-2021/003
SWN-12/45 + IWN-12/45 BAM-TPED-2016/002
SWN-22 BAM-TPED-2015/007
SWN-22/V BAM-TPED-2017/008
BHN-12/N BAM-TPED-2022/005
BSKN-12/O + BTKN-12/O BAM-TPED-2022/001
HBA-10/I + MBA-10/I + RBA-10/I +VBA-10/I BAM-TPED-2023/003
SWN-12/O + SWN-12/N + SWN-12/D + TWN-12/O + TWN-12/D + BOWN-12/O + BOWN-12/N BAM-TPED-2017/003
SWN-12/C + IWN-12/C + BOWN-12/C BAM-TPED-2016/008
BSKM-21/O BAM-TPED-2022/023
BPKN-12 + BTKN-12 BAM-TPED-2022/010
BSWN-32/L BAM-TPED-2022/003
CAV-06 BAM-TPED-2023/020

National Homologation

The Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) is the Indian statutory body responsible for the approval of gas cylinders, valves and regulators. PESO appoints third party inspection agencies for prototype and batch-wise inspection of cylinder valves.
Our cylinders valves supplied for the Indian market are approved by PESO and duly inspected by BIS or Lloyds Register as per Indian or International standards.

National Homologation

Accredited Laboratory as per ISO 17025

Download the certificate for full scope
Chemical Mechanical Calibration
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